
Im just a human trying to survive in this current world by trying to find magic in the every day moments of our daily lives. I live in the San Fernando valley with my partner and our French bulldog

Other people’s opinion

Other people’s opinion

most of my life I have not really cared what others have thought of me but a few years ago I became concerned about how others viewed my mental health and my outward appearance . I began to care about if people thought I was pretty enough because if they did than that also meant I was good enough too. These thoughts consumed me and every time I looked in the mirror all I would think about was what others thought of me.

During this time my mental health was at its lowest point and that also directly impacted how I took care of myself. I rarely dressed up or took the time to do my hair or makeup. I would dress in the fastest thing I could find to wear and I never put any effort into my outward appearance. I avoided looking in the mirror because it would just make me feel worse about the state of my mental health and appearance.

I unfortunately lived in this state of worrying and caring about what other’s thought of me for far too long. It wasn’t until I found a therapist and started seeing them weekly that I began to work on moving past these negative thoughts that consumed my entire life. Thankfully after time I slowly gained the realization that the only opinion I needed to be worried about was how I felt about myself.

This realization didn’t happen overnight and I would be lying if I said I didn’t still slip back into the mode of worrying about how others thought of me from time to time. One of the things that helped with this process was I started just doing simple things like doing my make up and hair every day so that I felt good on the outside and that feeling slowly started to seep into how I thought of myself too.

the picture above is when I was at my lowest point and you can tell in my eyes how I felt about myself

So I broke my promise to myself, what’s next?

So I broke my promise to myself, what’s next?

Taking it each day at a time

Taking it each day at a time